Monday, September 5, 2011

Day12/15 Of My Healthy Life's Style (24 Day Challenge)

This pass weekend was very busy. I took today off from the gym because I feel my body need the rest, but tomorrow morning I will be at it full force. Have a great holiday I well have plenty to share with you tomorrow. 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me."                                                                                                                               Philippians 4:13

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 10/11 Of My Healthy Life's Style (24 Day Challenge)

Ok! It’s been a couple of days since I logged my progress. It's been a real challenge I'm not going to lie to you; this has been one of the most challenging goals for me.  I put it out where everyone could see what I am doing. It makes me so accountable to continue my progress, so I don't want to disappoint anyone who might be considering blogging along. As of today my 10 day Herbal Cleanser has come to a end. The good news is in 10 days I have lost 3lbs. and I feel go good and energetic as I stated a few days ago I can focus better and it make my days easier. My difficulties come finding time to blog, so as of now I may not blog everyday but I will update my status at least once a week. Tuesday I will have a new video and new picture of my progress.
Take care, have a good night an always!!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
                                                      Philippians 4:13